miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018

Water Pollution

   Water is the basic resource to guarantee the life of all living beings on the planet, but its scarcity and pollution cause millions of people to have poor access to this much-needed good. Over the years this has been a problem that has been growing terribly, so as human beings we must be fully informed about this irreversible situation.

   Have you ever wondered how all this has happened? the answer is simple, the human being is the main cause of water pollution, which can be affected in many ways: with the dumping of industrial waste because of the increase in temperatures, which cause the alteration of water by decreasing the oxygen in its composition because of deforestation, which causes the appearance of sediments and bacteria under the ground and the consequent contamination of groundwater.

   The wrong managed water and sanitation services expose the population to preventable risks to their health: diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid fever and poliomyelitis. This is especially true in the case of hospitals in which both patients and professionals are exposed to increased risks of infection and disease when there are no water supply, sanitation and hygiene services.

  There are many solutions that could be implemented to prevent this vital resource from continuing to contaminate. Firstly,of all it is to take into account the importance of the trees that over the years have played a vital role in the life of our planet. Secondly, promote and make good use of all the products that have been offered by the industries since the number of damages they provide are catastrophic. Thirdly, implement laws that punish the industries that year after year have thrown toxic waste on rivers, lakes and seas since the purpose of all this is to give the value it deserves to this resource

   In conclusion, water pollution is a situation that has gone out of our control, we must react now that we are on time because we can lose this vital liquid that is important even for plants. We must be aware of the valuable resources that our planet has before everything is completely lost.

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