domingo, 24 de junio de 2018


   Alcoholism is one of the main causes of health, family, labor and social problems in the current world. We all know that drinking in excess is not good, but we rarely we suggest our own personal situation in front of the drink. An alcoholic tends to consider their consumption as "moderate", without knowing the scientific criteria of moderation, and to believe that our drinking is "normal", often ignoring the signs and symptoms of addictive behavior.

  Generally, for some people the alcohol is becoming little by little in something more and more important in his life, being able to become his owners and thoughts, as well as to alter in his way of negative behavior. When this happens, and the person continues to drinking, it is when you can talk about "dependence", of "addiction" or "alcoholism". The family members or friends of the problem drinker are usually the first to realize that something does not go well and try to press it to stop being drinking. Other times it is one who tries for its own means to move from alcohol, drinking less or leave it completely.

   Alcoholism is not a common disease that is solved by taking a certain medicine or by surgery. For a person to be able to overcome their dependence on alcohol is necessary to learn to cope with situations of daily life without drinking, and without having a bad time for not doing so. Once alcohol becomes a problem for a person or a family, it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialists.

    Trying to solve it with good words, with pressure,with threats or waiting for time to solve it,only leads to delay and aggravate the case,increasing the frustration of the patient and the family. T he only positive pressure that must be exerted is that oriented to the problematic drinker getting in touch with a specialized and competent therapist.

   In conclusion, alcoholism is a terrible addiction that can end the life of a person including his family. Previously, some possible solutions have been proposed to help them adapt to a clean life without alcohol.

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