sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018

Parents are the key to happiness

         Human beings at birth are helpless creatures unable to make decisions, but our parents are there to take care of us as we grow up. Unfortunately not all of us have the privilege of having both parents in our development because of the differences between a child's brain with both parents and a child without any of them.

   Anyone could say that growing up with their parents is irrelevant; nevertheless, Dr. Yuoi Xin, has discovered in his studies that the brain of a child who grew up away from his parents tend to have a delay at the time of his development. The Dr Xin found that children cared for by others for more than 6 months had higher volumes of gray matter, especially in the areas of the emotional brain. The IQ was not significantly different between the two groups.

   Fortunately children who grow up close to their parents in an environment full of love, understanding and security are more likely to succeed in their life whereas those who did not grow up with them are likely to v up with many insecurities.  A child close to his parents acquires self-confidence and learns to establish relationships with others without much inconvenience; Although, children away from their parents are withdrawn, unsure of themselves and the world around them.

   In conclusion parents are the key to a child's success since the influence they have on him is enormous. A child must grow up in a family environment with love in order to have a favorable life, so the brain of a child near his parents develops parts that those of other children do not.

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