domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

A beautiful love story

   Romantic movies are genial -have you ever watch one of them? which one?. Well, there are a lot of movies, and every one of them are different; although, they are something in common that is Love. One of my favorite movies is Twilight because this particular story is not only about how beautiful love is but also fiction, and adventure.

    Twilight is about a girl called Bella Swan, she decided to move in with his father to Forks, a town with a rainy and cloudy weather. Bella used to be a normal life; though, this changed when she met a weird guy known at school at Edward. At the beginning he was a little rude with her and at the same time he was sweety, it seems like if he will fight with him self .

     One day Bella was in the parking when a van lost the control at that moment Edward was in the same place, so he ran in a supernatural way.Despite of the accident Bella couldn't stop thinking about his extraordinary velocity because its was not normal for  a human run that way, after to analize every moment that they had she discovered that he was a vampire; although, she was not afraid of him because trough his gaze she see not only tenderness but also fear of rejection.

     In despite of Edward tried to get away from him, she decided to stay with him since she knew that he would never think about hurting her; thus, they decided not to fight anymore against their love even though this goes beyond  to natural barriers. Edward always put her well-being before his own wishes that it is the reason what she loved him terribly.

      In conclusion, this story goes beyond of a typical romance because it shows us the essence of love. They had an incredible chemistry, so this connection allowed them to solve each of their problems even though when they thought that everything  was finished. I know that this story it is not real but it makes me feel good because of this I love it !

sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018

Parents are the key to happiness

         Human beings at birth are helpless creatures unable to make decisions, but our parents are there to take care of us as we grow up. Unfortunately not all of us have the privilege of having both parents in our development because of the differences between a child's brain with both parents and a child without any of them.

   Anyone could say that growing up with their parents is irrelevant; nevertheless, Dr. Yuoi Xin, has discovered in his studies that the brain of a child who grew up away from his parents tend to have a delay at the time of his development. The Dr Xin found that children cared for by others for more than 6 months had higher volumes of gray matter, especially in the areas of the emotional brain. The IQ was not significantly different between the two groups.

   Fortunately children who grow up close to their parents in an environment full of love, understanding and security are more likely to succeed in their life whereas those who did not grow up with them are likely to v up with many insecurities.  A child close to his parents acquires self-confidence and learns to establish relationships with others without much inconvenience; Although, children away from their parents are withdrawn, unsure of themselves and the world around them.

   In conclusion parents are the key to a child's success since the influence they have on him is enormous. A child must grow up in a family environment with love in order to have a favorable life, so the brain of a child near his parents develops parts that those of other children do not.

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018

Bilingual and monolingual brain

       Learning a foreign language is a challenge because it is a process that is slowly changing the way our brain works although at first glance it seems ordinary. The bilingual brain is not the same as the monolingual one. Neither physiological nor functional. Speaking more than one language causes the brain to work differently, to activate different neuronal areas and to increase the density of white matter, the insulating substance that covers the nerve connections.

   Over the years scientists have studied the process of language acquisition of which many theories already exist such as the Innatism created by Noam Chomsky.  Based on  this and another theories, scientists at the University of Pompeu, Spain, have discovered that a bilingual brain develops certain parts of it focused on language control while a monolingual brain only works on language-oriented parts.

   Actually the main difference between a monolingual and a bilingual brain is in its ability to make decisions. It is not that some are more intelligent than others, but that they develop another set of skills. For example, bilinguals develop cognitive abilities that allow them to adapt to changes in the tasks they are developing. This is because your brain is constantly choosing the language in which it is expressed, which gives it much more flexibility. It also allows them to concentrate and memorize better.  Generally people believe that bilinguals are smarter than monolinguals; however, this is not scientifically proven since the only thing that science can affirm is that learning another language can prevent many diseases such as Alzheimer's.

    In conclusion, a bilingual brain has the ability to quickly adapt to changes since certain different parts work at the same time, that is, it can easily differentiate each language without complicating when it has already adapted to it while the brain of a monolingual person only works the necessary parts to speak your native language.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

French education vrs Salvadoran education

    Education is a process by which the individual is trained reaching a state of maturity that allows him to face reality in a conscious and balanced way, to participate in the society in which he lives with responsible acts as a citizen. As curious Salvadorans it seemed interesting to me to make a small comparison between French and Salvadoran education which are very different.

    The French educational system is organized in three major stages: school, college and institute. Education in primary and secondary education is free, neutral, secular and compulsory from 6 to 16 years old. Actually the most interesting thing about this is that the main objective of the French government is to invest all the necessary resources so that its citizens enjoy an excellent education. The schools have vacations every six weeks and their schedules are completely accessible in order that they are comfortable. In addition, teachers are fully prepared to play their role as a teacher according to their area of ​​knowledge.

    On they other hand, education in our country is different, our educational system is just documentation that is never put into practice. Unfortunately, the government is not interested in investing enough in the resources necessary for the people to receive the best; moreover, schools lack material resources, a favorable environment and competent teachers. However at the moment to try to solve this problem, the government completely ignores the population.

  In conclusion, a government incapable of recognizing and resolving the needs of the people has caused a mediocre education in our country, which has not changed over the years. Unlike our country El Salvador France has been happy to achieve a high level of education so that its citizens receive the best

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018

Poverty in Latin America

   Poverty is an economic and social situation that does not allow a society to obtain the necessary resources to be able to live satisfactorily. This  is a considerable problem, in Latin America being this region the most unequal of the planet, also  the growth rate in 2014 was lower than the global average. Unfortunately in recent years, there have been major changes in the territory. Between 1980 and 1990, a period known as "the lost decade", poverty increased from 40.5% to 48.4%, which left 204 million people in need.

    Latin America is a fairly large sector with most countries submerged in miserable conditions. According to the World Bank, the poorest countries are: Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia, Mexico, Chile, Peru and El Salvador.  There are numerous causes that explain the poverty of Latin countries. Firstly, it is important to emphasize that one of them is social inequality in relation to income. Secondly, salaries are often poorly paid since companies deliberately exploit employees leaving them to work for hours for a miserable salary that does not even reach the basic basket. Thirdly, a corrupt government disinterested by the human needs. Finally,  having dependce of a industrial country avoid they development of it.

   A poor country can not reach a stable level to live because it does not have what it takes to cover those needs. Sadly violence and malnutrition are situations caused by poverty, these two aspects are totally visible in Honduras, Chile and Peru. Likewise, the family disintegration caused by the lack of descending jobs results in young gang members; however, this does not stop because of the same need to improve their quality of life.

   In conclusion poverty in Latin America is a situation that affects millions of people who day to day struggle to survive without being able to change their social status. I believe that more than knowing some of their cause and consequences we should read more and try to find a solution because it is clear that the larger cause is the inequality since the rich countries will always want to see poor to what they are already poor while they are still rich. Therefore a good work by governments taking into account each of the causes already seen could help a little to minimize this terrible situation

martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Two different economies

   The economy is the science that is responsible for studying the processes of scarce resources that are needed to survive in a society, these resources are: food, clothing, housing, technology and basic services such as drinking water.The minority of some countries enjoy an excellent economy such as the United States, China, Canada and Russia while others suffer from scarcity, poverty, misery and inflation as most countries of the African continent.The United States is one of the greatest powers in the world while the African countries have fallen is poverty not only for lack of resources but also for disorganization.

     Agriculture is the main sector of activity in Africa, so this area is torn between two models: the traditional subsistence and the plantation model. The ownership of plantations has changed hands after independence. This forces us to assume the risks of a failure to obtain the product. Another important resources  is the animal breeding even though outside of the Savannah, there are not many  pastures;ultimately, mining, and fishing are two very powerful activities, but these two areas are exploited by foreign companies. Knowing all this, the countries of Africa have all the possibilities to become one of the strongest powers in the world; but,  the lack of governmental organization which is the opposite in the United States.

   On the other hand, the United States is the third largest country in the world both in total area and in population. In addition, it has the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated gross domestic product (GDP) of 16.62 billion in 2012, which represents approximately 25 percent of global nominal GDP. It has a mixed economy and has maintained a stable pace of global GDP growth, a moderate unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment.Its five most important trading partners are Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Germany. The United States has a lot of natural resources. In addition to having the largest global reserves of coal, 22.6 percent of the world total, it also ranks 14th among the largest oil reserves and sixth among the largest reserves of natural gas. Other natural resources that are abundant in the country include lead, copper, phosphates, gold, iron, mercury, silver, nickel, molybdenum, uranium, bauxite, tungsten, potassium, zinc, and wood. Having a good organization this country have an excellent economy.

   In conclusion the African continent has great natural resources that would allow them to become a great power if they had a government capable of correctly managing these resources, which is clearly contrary if we talk about the American economy which is an example since they have protected their resources; in order to prevent foreign companies from dominating them. The United States and Africa are completely different in all economic aspects

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2018

Education as a key to development

   Education is one of the most important factors for the development of any underdeveloped country. This factor is necessary in every way; in order to achieve better levels of social welfare and economic growth, to level economic and social inequalities, to promote the social mobility of people, to access better levels of employment, to raise the cultural conditions of the population, to expand the opportunities of young people, to invigorate the civic and secular values that strengthen the relationships of societies,  for democratic progress and the strengthening of the rule of law. Unfortunately, there is a big problem and that lack of it is very common in underdeveloped countries like Guinea and Liberia.

   One of the main causes of the lack of access to education in poor countries in corruption in governments where each of the political parties are concerned about their own needs. Next the little interest that the government shows towards the implementation of a good education that allows the country to reach an adequate economic level. A clear example that education is a good investment is the terribly fast progress that the Asian countries have made; as a result of their work they innovated in the technological market; thus, becoming one of the biggest competitors in technology, which allowed them to be one of the richest continents.

   On the other hand, the consequences for a country that faces a good education are completely serious since a poor society in education is a dead society without any ability to achieve economic development. A young man without a good education can not discover that he is an expert in robotics or a young woman without an accessible education can not study that career in laws that he so desires; consequently, this leads to a failure of economy. Unfortunately countries like Nicaragua, Honduras, and our thumbsito, El Salvador are example countries of how the public education system is a disaster, but a good education must be paid which prevents equal education for all.

    In conclusion, for a country to successfully achieve economic development, it must seriously consider access to a good free education that allows new generations to know their skills and exploit their abilities. Access to a good education was the key for a poor country with major economic crises to achieve economic development.


Chinese and Mexican culture